Monday, December 31, 2007

happy holidays to all

well christmas has come and gone, and it was amazing. now it is time for a new year to begin.
this time of year is always so exciting and the best part is being with family and dear friends. i am so grateful for this time of year, and all of the many blessings that have become a part of my life.
ihope that everyone has had a fantastic holiday season. i also hope that everyone will have the most amazing new year. remember these special holiday moments for they are the ones that stick with you forever.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

an ode to tiff

this weekend has been amazing. my friend tiffany is going on her mission, to japan, and leaving this week. well scott and i decided that we should go up and visit with her, and we stayed all weekend. basically we blew everyone else off for tiff. it is going to be hard without her here, but we are going to make it. we played all weekend and went up to temple square to see the lights. well this is an ode to tiff.
you are the light of not only my life but scott's as well. you have helped us through much and been there through more. you have been the best twin that any person could ask for. thank you for being a light and an inspiration. thank you for holding our hands through everything. if i were to ask for one thing, just remember that mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get! we love you and will miss you more than anything. be good

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

it finally snowed

WOO HOO!!!!! it snowed it snowed. however, it is not quite enough to open all the ski lifts. just so you know.... brian head right now is only $25 for a lift ticket. the snow is not the best but hey $25 for them is a steal of a deal. come on up and play.
i am excited though because i am going up north an going boarding this weekend. oh yes i am bragging. i am stoked!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

almost done

well the school semester is almost over, and i am starting to feel relieved.the best news is that is going to snow this weekend and it is going to be a big one. i am way stoked. i am going boarding on monday, the first time for the season, it is going to be killer but i am excited.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

crunch time

oh my so there is one week left of school, and i may just burst. so much to do and not a whole lot of time to do it. the good thing is that all my finals are take home, so no need to worry about that, just got to get them done.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


well i waas sick the whole weekend, no fun, bu i am sure glad that i was home so that my mom could take care of me. the weekend was great besides that miner detail. my mom and i went and got a christmas tree, my dad got my snowboard rack to finally stay on my car and i got to sleep in every day. this thanksgiving was great.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

best weekend

so thhis last weekend i went home. we went to the BYU vs. TCU game, amazing game. also my family was in town from colorado and washington. it was the best weekend. i had a very hard time leaving, but i will be back soon, 7 days and counting. everytime i go home to visit i find it hard to leave. i like my life up there, it is diffrent than down here in Cedar. i have family up there and the greatest friends ever. i even got to spend time with my brothers girlfriend(they are getting married so i call her my sister-in-law)and her daughter. they are the best ever. plus mom got new double ovens that are the convection kind, so we girls experimented with them and made a ton of cookies, yeah we burned most of them too. oh i am excited to go bcak.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

no more braces

i got them off. oh blessed day. i am so excited. i have been reminded of my love for great food. the first thing i really ate was a piece of chesse, but i went home and took a big bite of an apple, the best apple i have ever had. oh i am loving life. besides no braces i cut my hair short again, not to short a little below my shoulders and in a 'A' line. i love it. my long hair was driving me nuts and getting to dry. plus with the snow season it might be easier to take care of, less ice cicles in my hair when i go boarding. woo hoo a new change for me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

san diego

well i just spent the weekend in san diego. it was a ton of fun. i got to see amy and play on the beach and eat fantastic food. i do love it down. amy lives in la jolla now, and it is my favorite place in diego. the only bad part is that diego went up in flames while i was there. it was scary. amy does not live to far from the evacuatin area. actually some of her closest friends got evacuated. it is a cary thing. you walk outside and brathe in ash and amoke, i got the black lung(cough, cough). well i left on monday and it took 14hours to get from diego to cedar city, it should take 7 hours. yeah we (my friend shani and i) took the most round about ways to get home. we finally made it. when we saw the welcome to nevada sign we cried out for joy, it was a memorable moment. now i am home and grateful to be home. i do ask all of you to kepp san diego in your pryaers, the fires have gotten worse and more and more people are being left without homes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i need a break

school is nuts right now. tests and papers is what consumes my life right now. oh how i need a break. oh and yes it is coming this weekend. i am way stoked. i get to go to san diego and see my old friend amy. woo hoo! it will be a good break from school, work and boys. life will be peaceful for a bit.

Friday, October 12, 2007

another day

this week has been crazy. i rememebred how big of a slacker i am. although it has been a crazy week, i have a lot of fun. the best part is that i am still putting things off. i am actually taking off to vegas tomorrow, byu is playing unlv. i am way excited. so basically i will you all soon.

Monday, October 8, 2007

love today

over the weekend i had the great oppurtunity to go home. oh my goodness i love home. i was able to spend quality time with the fam and with good friends. the cool thing about home is that it is baout 2 minuets away from the wasatch mountains, great four wheeling action. there was a ton of mud and we got high enough to play in 3 inches of snow. oh i love it. this weeekend was amazing. it was good to get away for a while and to relax. not to mentin conference was absouletly amazing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

first timer

look i gave in and created a blog. i am excited. hope you all will keep in touch.