it has been a long time. well i am officially done with school now, have been for a month. i am living in midway, utah with the parents for the summer. i am so happy to be here, getting restless but happy. midway is an awesome place. the newest adventure for me is being somewhere and not having any friends. i am in the singles ward here, which by the way is totally different than a university ward. the ward is awesome but i really only talk to the people in my ward on sundays. i guess it is safe to say that they have jobs and i do not so it is fair. yes it is rtue i am jobless, not a fun life at all. hence i am getting restless and going crazy. i really cannot keep myself busy enough at home.
well i thought i would update on some pictures. these are my last adverntures at SUU with my friends.

my dear friends, my life savers

les jones, my favorite professor and greatest friend

st. george temple with the best of friends

graduation day
although i have been jobless for a month i have had some great adventures along the way. i have had two weddings and well needed sunburn to start it all off. my dear friend Erika got married on may 17th which was a beautiful wedding. then a couple of weeks later my best friend Rachel, her little sister Natalie got married in Monticello. on my way to Monticello i decided, with Ilse, to stop off in Moab for a day or so and visit Scott. we palyed and went hiking anfd fishing, this is when the sunburn came about. it was an amazing trip, that is until the boys were taking me to Monticello and decided to hold me captive. they took me out rabbit hunting and on a joy ride. it was fun i must admit but i was eager to get to Monticello and see Rach. the rest of that weekend, the end of may, i was with rach and her family do wedding stuff. i love the randall family and i was excited to help out and be there. i miss them all so terribly much already. it is crazy to know that little Natalie Randall is a Jones. i am stoked for her and Devin, Congrats you two. however, on of the bes parts about having nothing to do is that i finally had the time to find my dress for Bennett's wedding, no more worries on that end.
this is me updating you!